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About me
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在日程的工作中,我对wiki百科的依赖性非常大,尤其是要查某些物理概念的定义的时候。但是过段时间回国后可能就面临着告别wiki的尴尬局面。 因此我想着能不能把wiki百科整个下载下来,放在自己的服务器上面运行。因为wiki本身是开源的,所以可行性非常的高。 通过查找我发现,整个wiki英文版的备份也是能够下载到的。
最近做的项目中需要解一个包含nonlocal potential的薛定谔方程。 但是在通过使用R-matrix方法求解方程的时候发现得到的结果与把该nonlocal potential傅里叶变换到动量空间下求解的结果不一致。这个问题困扰了长达一个月的时间,通过查找文献我发现了一个比较有趣的现象,不同的文章对包含nonlocal potential的薛定谔方程定义都不一样。 比如, 在文章ANNALS OF PHYSICS 59, 219-247 (1970)中,方程被定义为
来到Pisa之后主要的一个研究课题就是寻找半经典理论和量子理论的连接。主要的原因是我现在的老板Angela和她当年的博士导师发展了一套半经典的理论Bonaccorso-Brink理论来描述敲出(stripping)反应, 而我在博士期间使用了IAV模型即一种量子模型来解决同样的敲出反应。 那么来到这边之后主要的目的就是看看这两个模型有没有相连的地方。
前段时间,老板一直跟我吹嘘说她的半经典模型有多么的好用,在二十年前她用半经典模型预言了晕核散射的弥散度(diffuseness)(Nuclear Physics A 706 (2002) 322–334),这个结果在10年前的实验中得到了证明(Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 022701)。
今天读文献的时候对散射波函数分波展开式的表述有些困惑,特别是(-)* state与(+) state关系时。现在把具体的展开式写在这里,以便下次困惑的时查阅
提到散射理论, 通常会指向三种不同形式的散射,即经典散射,半经典散射以及量子散射理论。这里我们先从经典散射理论说起。
最近在研究量子散射在高能下的半经典形式。因为入射能较高的关系,在做分波展开的时候,通常情况下lmax的取值会很大,那么对于这种情况,相对于完全求解该分波下的球谐函数,在一些文献中(大多数半经典文献中),比如J. Phys. G : Nucl. Phys. 4 1573(1978),采用了球谐函数的渐进形式。
Seminar, Online, 2020-03-26 to 2020-05-31
For the special time period of COVID-19, we would like to organize a series of online seminars that everybody can join. The seminars will cover all fields of nuclear reaction with special emphasis on the description and interpretation of different types of direct reactions: elastic/inelastic scattering, breakup, quasi-free (p,pN) processes, charge-exchange, …
Seminar, Online, 2021-03-18 to 2021-07-22
For the special time period of COVID-19, we would like to organize a series of online seminars that everybody can join. The seminars will cover all fields of nuclear reaction with special emphasis on the description and interpretation of different types of direct reactions: elastic/inelastic scattering, breakup, quasi-free (p,pN) processes, charge-exchange, …
Graduate course, Ohio University, 2019
On a few occasions, I helped Professor Charlotte Elster teach Physics 6021 : Quantum Mechanics.
Summer School, Michigan State University, 2019
I was a lecturer of the Talent course 6, more details can be found at
undergraduate course, Tongji University, 2022
From February 2022, I started teaching Atomic Physics at Tongji University. Atomic Physics is a fascinating branch of physics that investigates the behavior and properties of atoms. This field plays a crucial role in several scientific and technological disciplines, including materials science, chemistry, and medical imaging. In this undergraduate course, you will learn about the fundamental principles of atomic physics, including atomic structure, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and interactions. You will also explore the practical applications of atomic physics in science and engineering. By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the building blocks of matter and the essential role they play in our world.